Terms of Services

If you request and purchase a commissioned piece of artwork/adoptable character from me (Bonesjems/bonesskullheads), you are hereby agreeing and consenting to the following terms of service.


  • Please send your requests and information in a clear and concise manner, I cannot create a commission for you if I can't understand what you're trying to say.

  • Please send your reference files in an organized manner (ex. labeled, like things filed together, etc.), this makes my job much easier and I can start work on your piece sooner.

  • Do NOT request pieces of artwork depicting unethical or immoral content (anything on my WON'T DRAW list.), I will NOT accept payment or reply to requests and I will blacklist you.

  • Do NOT attempt to get a discount on a commission. My prices are non-negotiable. Art is a luxury and artists don't deserve to be treated like charities.

  • Please be civil. There is no reason to be rude. If rude or inappropriate behaviour occurs in excess I will cancel your commission and will not work with you in the future. If you are particularly uncouth I will warn other artists of working with you and provide screenshots. 


  • Commissions must be paid upfront, NO EXCEPTIONS. I will not begin work until I have received payment.

  • I can accept payment through PayPal ONLY.

  • I provide invoices for all commissioned artworks.

  • I accept payment in CANADIAN ONLY.

  • Please do not send me a payment unless I have reviewed your commission submission and have given you the okay to go ahead and send it.

  • You have two days from the date I approve your commission request to provide payment in full.

  • I offer payment plans for commissions totaling $300 or more. These sums require a non-refundable deposit of 50% of the total commission cost.

  • Chargebacks for completed work will result in immediate blacklisting; they will be disputed and if needed, further legal action will apply. 


  • The total time slot for your commission to be completed is up to 6 months. While it often does not take this length of time, I must provide this total time due to: health, school, personal life, and the overall complexity of the commission request.

  • Any change in the completion date of your commission will be forwarded to you immediately so you're always up to date.

  • I may post WIPs of your commission unless you state that you would prefer if I didn't in your notes to me.


  • Please be aware that only minor changes can be made to a completed piece of artwork.

  • Minor changes that I will fix for free are: colour, shading, small details, small accessories or outfit details, etc.

  • If you do not send me clear references or specify your needs in your notes to me, I will charge for minor changes.

  • If I have to seriously alter a finished commission to add changes (adding an outfit or eliminating one, changing the entire body texture, major environmental changes, etc.), I will charge an additional fee up to 50% of the original commission price.

  • PLEASE be very clear in your notes to me, I do not want to charge you for minor changes to a commission.


I (Bonesjems/bonesskullheads), hold the copyright to the commissioned artwork, not the commissioner.

Any materials commissioned for the intention of print for promotion of a business or project (books, posters, merchandise, etc.) can be subjected to a minimum % royalty fee or a fixed price.

I am therefore legally entitled to use said copyrighted artwork to:

  • publish anywhere on the internet

  • publish in physical print (books)

When I create custom characters, I am the creator of the character but I have passed the rights of usage on to the commissioner.

The commissioner is permitted to:

  • use the artwork for personal use

  • use the artwork to develop the same character for fictional use (writing, RP, video games, etc.)

  • physically print the artwork

  • redraw the character

  • use the commissioned art to promote themselves or their projects with credit to me, the original artist

Any kind of copyright infringement will result in your rights of usage being retracted in full.


The artist, (Bonesjems/bonesskullheads), reserves the right to cancel your commission or payment at any time.

  • The commissioner may NOT cancel payment or demand a refund AFTER payment has been sent and received by the artist.

  • If you cancel a commission during the commission process, your rights to anything I have created for you will be void and I will sell the usage rights to another party (the exception to this is pieces of your personal characters).

  • If you cancel a commission during the commission process, I will not work with you again. There is no exception to this, I do not tolerate my time being wasted.

  • If you cancel a commission during the commission process, you will be refunded 50% of the commission cost. The remaining 50% will be retained by me as an inconvenience fee.

Anything found within the Terms of Service may be subject to changes if discussed with the artist prior to the start of the commission.

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