Commission Prices

Please keep in mind that all prices are based in Canadian Currency

Click Here to use exchange rate for currency

Head Shot


pence or digital sketch of your character

$5 cad

Flat Color

clean line art with simple flat coloring and minimal shading

$10 cad

Full Render

My style of fully rendered art, clean line work, shading, lighting, simple back ground

$20 cad

Waist Up


pence or digital sketch of your character

$10 cad

Flat Color

clean line art with simple flat coloring and minimal shading

$20 cad

Full Render

My style of fully rendered art, clean line work, shading, lighting, simple back ground

$40 cad

Full Body


pence or digital sketch of your character

$15 cad

Flat Color

clean line art with simple flat coloring and minimal shading

$30 cad

Full Render

My style of fully rendered art, clean line work, shading, lighting, simple back ground

$60 cad


Full Color

Chibi art in my style

  • Complex designs can cost an extra $5 CAD  
  • Per extra characters - $4 CAD
  • Adding a Pets - $3 CAD

$5 cad

Please note that ALL the prices listed above are the STARTING fees for commissions. Complex details, backgrounds, etc. will add to the final cost of the commission. the price starts at $5 cad 



pence or digital sketch of full body characters and full background with minimal shading

  • 1-2 character $50+ CAD

  • 3-4 characters $70+ CAD

  • 5 characters $90+ CAD

  • Per Extra Character $20 CAD

Flat Color

flat colors illustration will include; full body characters and full background with minimal shading and lighting

  • 1-2 character $150+ CAD

  • 3-4 characters $200+ CAD

  • 5 characters $250+ CAD

  • Per Extra Character $50 CAD

Full Render

full scenes with completely rendered background ,illustration will include; full body characters and full background fully rendered

  • 1-2 character $300+ CAD

  • 3-4 characters $400+ CAD

  • 5 characters $500+ CAD

  • Per Extra Character $100 CAD

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